
1972  出生于广西柳州
1994  毕业于广西艺术学院美术系 获学士学位
1997-1999  就读于天津美术学院油画系助教研修班
2012  广西首届当代艺术展        广西南宁
2012  金属时代—刘东路个人作品展        上苑艺术馆    北京
2011  亚洲艺术博览会        北京国贸展览中心
2011  中国蓉城-首届全国青年美术家提名展        成都
2011  上海青年美术大展        上海明园文化艺术中心
2011  中韩艺术交流展        韩国忠州
2011  游走—刘东路绘画作品展       798艺术区喜神艺术空间     北京
2007  《颤变》艺术展      798艺术东区至上画廊    北京
2004  第二届全国少数民族美术作品展        北京民族美术宫
2003  广西油画精品展        广西南宁
1999  《天津美院油画五人展》       中国美术馆  北京
1999  “生存与表现”油画展        天津美院美术馆

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脸书Facebook:shao qi
油管YouTube:qi shao
电话: +8610 52336201
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Creative Statement
We know  we belong to the future, but we are more aware of the experiences deposition of our thoughts and life are formed in the past traditional education. We get the worldly peace by many ingenious means through masking our true desires. However, the peace and pain sent my thoughts and desires ruthlessly to the secular gallows. I can only use the illusory painting techniques to express the confrontation of inner and secular and the great conflicts between the the pursuit of spirit life with the harsh living needs. What do I believe in? What is the attribution of my soul? In this particular background  of  era  and  living space,  it seems difficult to answer the questions. The key is that we can not overcome the reality so the seemingly harmonious illusion emerged from the traditional ideal  and the present living condition.  I am still carrying.  I am indecisive, like a "strange head" seems to be possessed returning between the reality and the dream.
 My picture language shows a contrasting and echoing relationship between the realistic methods of Western oil painting and traditional Chinese painting. In such a cage like a modern industrial prison, we can not identify whether we are machines or we are people after all. Chuang Tzu said, if you are not a fish, how can you  know the happiness that the fish has? We are bustling about the life untill we are tired, but the joy of life is always full of our lives. I would like to emphasis on the state of life in an inherent space. Meanwhile, I still wonder what twists the soul on the Chinese meticulous painting, with the colorful, complex and beautiful picture invaded by a hazy dream of flowers and birds.  I feel confused and want to escape,  imagining myself rambling around the world freely and leisurely.


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