1981 出生于中国上海
2001 结业于中国美术学院
2005 毕业于上海交通大学艺术设计系,获学士学位
2019 “观想之景”丁文卿个展,索美M50画廊,上海,中国
2018 “出离”丁文卿个展,格蕊利画廊,上海,中国
2017 “时间碎片”丁文卿个展,格蕊利画廊,上海,中国
2016 “游园”丁文卿个展,格蕊利画廊,上海,中国
2015 “彼方山水”丁文卿个展,格蕊利画廊,上海,中国
2013 局部森林—丁文卿水墨个展,对照空间,上海,中国
2013 烟墨—丁文卿个展,张江当代艺术馆,上海,中国
2019 “思之于象”水墨展,索美M50画廊,上海,中国
2019 经验的重构,美博美术馆,上海,中国
2018 水墨经验II,多伦现代美术馆,上海,中国
2018 “墨.计”青年水墨联展,朵云轩,上海,中国
2018 “在.现场”ART+国际美术馆驻留计划巡展上海站,上海光大会展中心,上海,中国
2018 俄罗斯国家博物馆上海艺博展,俄罗斯国家博物馆,圣彼得堡,俄罗斯
2018 “模山范水”当代水墨&雕塑展,索美M50画廊,上海,中国
2018 宝龙艺术大展,言午艺术中心,上海,中国
2017 “线索”三人展,索美艺术空间,上海,中国
2017 “风景这边独好”艺术展,齐云山艺术场,上海,中国
2016 亚洲语境下的中国多元-当代艺术展,逐梦园索美画廊,上海,中国
2015 CYAP水墨公示展,炎黄美术馆,北京,中国
2015 第二届南京国际美展,南京国际展览中心,南京,中国
2015 “海上新族”当代艺术家作品展,上海春美术馆,上海,中国
2014 相对论第二章——青年艺术家邀请展,江寺博物馆,杭州,中国
2014 “起辰”2014优秀青年艺术家邀请展,上海嘉源海艺术中心,上海,中国
2012 模糊第二界广告人艺术展,上海SOHO世纪广场,上海,中国
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须臾对亘古的思辩 ——解码丁文卿的云图>>

The Speculation of the Ephemeral against the Everlasting

——Decipher Ding Wenqing’s Cloud Atlas



Hu Dianliang



东方的传统文化语境中,山石是亘古的表征,云烟是须臾的隐喻。以须臾的云烟形态状摹亘古的山石体貌,使知觉意识在更为宏大的时空场域内自由流淌,在完成灵魂 的逍遥欢畅中也给观看者带来时空上的错位感,进而导致视觉上的“恍惚”,而这种“恍惚之美”正是合乎东方美学旨趣的无形大象。我们似乎也因着丁文卿悉心营造的云图幻境觉出了生命自在的味道,感知到世界原应有的自足与丰盈。

In the context of oriental traditional culture, mountains and stones symbolize the everlasting and clouds and mist suggest the ephemeral. The everlasting images of mountains are painted with the ephemeral clouds and mist, which allows the senses to flow freely in a grand sphere of time and spacegiving the observers an enjoyment of the soul along with an experience of misplaced time and space. And this sense of misplacing creates a visual trance, which bears the beauty of the oriental aesthetic idea, the grasp of shape beyond the shape itself. In the fairyland of cloud atlas created by Ding WenQing, we also seem to start to taste the unrestrained elements in life and sense the richness and sufficiency of the world



Ding Wenqing’s painting experience is to look squarely without evasion. He looked squarely into the urban jungles that we live on and looked for the hidden passion. At the current stage of work, he devotes to the dreamy space of woods and springs, which is also the source of his inspiration. He rereads the classic works of mountains and woods with passion, activates the paradigm buried in the dust of history, translates them into a pure and natural context in modern image narration, and finally, completes the growth and expression of his genuine feelings. This experience and transition, however, calls for extreme courage.



According to the Zen philosophy, “Enlightenment comes when we do not attach to anything.” If Ding’s emotional projection of urban jungles is to put his aesthetic experience gained from the ink painting image narration to the cement desert of civilization, and to irrigate and afforest the desert of spirit with the human-oriented sentiments, his current attempt is to approach ancient man’s secret emotions with his individual senses instead of any already-established techniques. He translates the classic dreamingly images of mountains and clouds into a flow of consciousness of modern image so that the consciousness goes beyond the image.



The woods and springs are secret, static lands of sentiments while the images are flowing fanciful sceneries. Ding WenQing used virtual, mobile clouds and mist reconstitute the stylized sceneries of woods and mountains, and created a path to the mysterious oriental world in the clouds and mountains with glittering haze. He concentrated boundless and endless sceneries into a measurable picture, in which the image goes beyond the language and the meaning goes beyond the image, giving us surprising visual experiences.



It is Ding’s delicate way of dealing with the dynamic and static that he set tangible things in the transient clouds and mist. The fixed settings, such as pavilions, corridors, terraces, and platforms are all set as static as rest stops in the flowing mist. Life is like a running stream in the sphere of time and space, pauses from now and then so that the observers are able to set themselves into the context, and enjoy the lively mountains and clouds from a clear and delicate perspective, being surprised by the green pines and verdant bamboos growing at the corner along the path, watching the ever-changing clouds, and listening to the cranes crying through the sky. The mixture of the dynamic and static enriches the meaning of time and space, and completes the imagination of an ideal land of oriental culture.



The brilliant thing about oriental painting is the stretching sentiments and emotions which go beyond the time and space, letting us see the big in the little. Splendid and magnificent sceneries are all included in a mere small size of a painting. Ding WenQing’s works are like putting Xumi Mountain into a minute seed, or seeing a drop of water to see the whole ocean, showing us how a modern urban dwelling completes his speculation on the ephemeral against the everlasting, and furthermore, interprets the codes of emotion hiding deep in the oriental scholars’ soul.


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