1981 出生于中国上海
2001 结业于中国美术学院
2005 毕业于上海交通大学艺术设计系,获学士学位
2019 “观想之景”丁文卿个展,索美M50画廊,上海,中国
2018 “出离”丁文卿个展,格蕊利画廊,上海,中国
2017 “时间碎片”丁文卿个展,格蕊利画廊,上海,中国
2016 “游园”丁文卿个展,格蕊利画廊,上海,中国
2015 “彼方山水”丁文卿个展,格蕊利画廊,上海,中国
2013 局部森林—丁文卿水墨个展,对照空间,上海,中国
2013 烟墨—丁文卿个展,张江当代艺术馆,上海,中国
2019 “思之于象”水墨展,索美M50画廊,上海,中国
2019 经验的重构,美博美术馆,上海,中国
2018 水墨经验II,多伦现代美术馆,上海,中国
2018 “墨.计”青年水墨联展,朵云轩,上海,中国
2018 “在.现场”ART+国际美术馆驻留计划巡展上海站,上海光大会展中心,上海,中国
2018 俄罗斯国家博物馆上海艺博展,俄罗斯国家博物馆,圣彼得堡,俄罗斯
2018 “模山范水”当代水墨&雕塑展,索美M50画廊,上海,中国
2018 宝龙艺术大展,言午艺术中心,上海,中国
2017 “线索”三人展,索美艺术空间,上海,中国
2017 “风景这边独好”艺术展,齐云山艺术场,上海,中国
2016 亚洲语境下的中国多元-当代艺术展,逐梦园索美画廊,上海,中国
2015 CYAP水墨公示展,炎黄美术馆,北京,中国
2015 第二届南京国际美展,南京国际展览中心,南京,中国
2015 “海上新族”当代艺术家作品展,上海春美术馆,上海,中国
2014 相对论第二章——青年艺术家邀请展,江寺博物馆,杭州,中国
2014 “起辰”2014优秀青年艺术家邀请展,上海嘉源海艺术中心,上海,中国
2012 模糊第二界广告人艺术展,上海SOHO世纪广场,上海,中国
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电话: +8610 52336201
Ding Wenqing: Fragments of Time
Leonard Cohen wrote the lyrics, “There is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in.” Then if time is all in fragments, what can we get from the cracks? As for Ding Wenqing, he said, “We are now living in a new era, however the shadow of the old ‘times’ are already deeply integrated into our genes… We were given birth by the grafting of time; we are also the sediments of the time fragments.” We are distinguished from each other by time fragments and we put on different “clothes” because of “time”.
Ding started to paint Chinese traditional landscape paintings from 1990 and was admitted to the Department of Art Design in Jiaotong University. He worked at first in the advertising industry and then became a professional artist. His profession changed as time went by, as he developed a deeper “obsession” to art. Over the past three decades, Ding’s perspective towards Chinese traditional landscape painting has also been clearer. He learned from Shi Guodun, who is the master of Xiao’s School of Chinese traditional landscape painting, at the age of nine. And it is undoubted that he has had a unique impression of every one of the mountain, river, wood, and stone since then. Although he was then only an innocent child, the experience did lay the foundation for his future. Today when we are drifting further and further away from natural mountains and rivers, Ding, however, has a more freestyle understanding of them. Ding has been refreshing and updating himself all this time and he gradually integrates his affection to ink painting, the traditional culture and the past into the ubiquitous landscapes he creates. They are misty, nostalgic, dream-like paintings in which Ding’s idea of the mountains and rivers is pointing towards a more in-depth level of meaning. In the landscapes he created, Ding observed and reflected the current society in his own ways and own languages. He woke us up and reflected himself. Little by little, Ding lets go of the traditional paradigm of landscape painting and turned it into a clue to “personal experience”. His paintings range from depicting a limited corner which refers to a much larger place telescoped, to describing a fairyland that contains a mixture of the virtual and the real. His techniques vary from smudging to delineating. And the various themes including forgetting and recollecting, as well as the traditional and the contemporary, show us a post-80s artist’s perspective of landscape painting, and how he uses ink, landscape painting and time to interpret his ideas. Among his recent works, one series is particular intriguing. It is named as “A Forgotten Memo”, and it presents a normal but irrational environment. This is probably where Ding’s charm lies. He is good at triggering our memories with seemingly mundane stuff, so that we realize the differences between us that are all given by time. He blurs the dimension of time and the distance of space. He shows us the calmness and changing of time.
To Ding Wenqing and every one who comes to this exhibition that is named as “Time Fragments”, the exhibition may be really a fragmental existence. However, I am still wishing that this very “fragment” could help build a more vivid and unique person, whoever that could be.
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