时间:2022.09.07 来源:阿特网


守护者的慈悲  2017  油画  78x68cm  

图腾裂变  2018  油画  80x100cm
田圣的创作脉络始终处于一种游离的状态,没有一个特定的主线范畴,因为他不想把他的作品划归为某类特定的标签,他渴望将作品作为具有探索意义和实验价值的载体。  寄希望于在无尽的纠结与挣扎这个曲折前行,螺旋上升的递进过程中试图重塑关于人类共同记忆的精神载体,这种载体不受制于任何国界,民族,语言,信仰……等等人造概念,它是一种能被剖析和抽离出来的集体潜意识,是人类这种具有创造意识的碳基生命体所共同适用的存在方式。
隐秘边缘  2018  油画  93x73cm
我们不必如此思考  2019  油画  100x80cm
田圣几乎不关注时下的流行话题,他跟现实保持一种若即若离的微妙关系。在他看来很多作品以外的话题往往存在时效性,即当下所发生的事件与当下所存在的人之间产生的某种关联,而历史经验告诉我们,无论过去还是未来,话题始终在更迭,唯一不受其时效性影响的就是构成事件的载体: “人”。当以往的历史经验沉淀成为今天的创造资料后,人们便可以根据自身的表达需要从中筛选适用的素材,很多事物得以通过不同的媒介被重新演绎。得益于当今科技进步所带来的知识信息可视化,具体化,我们可以构建过去和未来的事件以及对过去和未来的事物产生诸多移情效应。比如通过电影,游戏等手段再现还原过去;未来;科幻;魔幻等打破时间轴和次元壁的情境,我们可以在这种虚拟现实的构架中形成现行的统觉经验,让时间;空间;物质等外在因素不再对我们的想像形成桎梏。
无意识之选择  2020  油画  100x80cm
我们不必如此思考:按你的意愿而活  2021  油画  100x80cm
Without a specific category, Sheng Tian’s creation is one kind of free state because of  refusal of assign his works to specific label, he aspires using them as a carrier for exploration and experimentation.  Tian Sheng is trying to recreate the spiritual carrier of the common memory belongs mankind in the the endless struggles of the twists, spiraling upward in a progressive process. “This carrier is not subject to any man-made concepts like borders, nationalities, languages, beliefs … etc. ” Said by Sheng Tian. “ It is a collective subconscious that can be dissected and abstracted, a way of being common to carbon-based lifeforms with creative consciousness like humans.”
解谜者  2022  油画  73x60cm 
高塔  2022  油画  100x80cm
Sheng Tian never pays attention to the current trendy topics but maintains a delicate relationship with reality.In his view, topics outside of Art works are often time-sensitive. In the other words,  there is a connection between the current events and the people who exist in the present.History tells us that the topic is always changing, whether in the past or in the future, and the only thing that is not affected by its timeliness is the "human-being" that constitutes the event.When the historical experience of the past has become the creative material of today, people can select appropriate materials according to their own expression needs, and many things can be reinterpreted through different mediums.For example, through movies and games to reproduce the restoration of the past andthe future; science and magic fictions break the timeline and the dimensional wall. We can form the current unified experience in the framework of this virtual reality, so that time and space; material and other external factors no longer form shackles on our imagination.
1993 出生于云南省昭通市彝良县
2016 毕业于云南艺术学院油画系
2021 “长夜之后”,吉时艺术空间,昆明,中国
2020“识”,KUB Galerie,莱比锡,德国
2019“风水”,Clara Zetkin Park,莱比锡,德国
2021 首届《加密·次世代》前沿艺术家选拔大赛社区喜爱奖,THiNG.FUND,中国美术学院
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