ARTL GALLERY|韩国版画大师全厚渊作品在华大卖
时间:2022年02月16日 作者: 来源:阿特网
艾特画廊 | 韩国版画大师全厚渊作品在华大卖
Be Sold Like Hotcakes! Korean Printmaker Zun HooYoon's Works in ARTL GALLERY, CHINA
韩国版画大师全厚渊的作品展「爱·梦想·青春」于2021年8月6日至9月5日首次规模完整地亮相中国上海,彼时吸引了诸多艺术同行及爱好者前来观展。该展览由ARTL GALLERY与 Seoul Art Print Studio 合作出品,同年12月全厚渊的作品在 ARTL GALLERY 苏州空间进行巡展。原定为期一个月的展览,由于观者不断,展览时间延展至2022年2月13日。全厚渊创作的版画技法主要是平版胶印,也称柯式印刷。由于其刻苦研究,加入了自主创新的技术,在80年代成功申请了世界专利,专利编号为 No. 10-0329300。
The South Korean master of printmaking Zun HooYoon’s exhibition "Love·Dream·Youth" has been fully staged in Shanghai, China from August 6 to September 5, 2021 for the first time, was attracting many art peers and enthusiasts to walk in the exhibition, which was co-produced by ARTL GALLERY and Seoul Art Print Studio. In December of the same year, Zun HooYoon's works were on tour in the Suzhou space of ARTL GALLERY, the original one-month plan was extended to February 13, 2022 due to the continuous flow of visitors. The printmaking technique created by Zun HooYoon is mainly lithographic offset printing, also known as offset printing. Due to artist’s assiduous research and independent innovation technology, he successfully applied for a world patent in the 1980s, the registration patent is No. 10-0329300.
风和树 The Wind and the Tree 37.4x52cm 1981
offset litho printing mounted to jepara
春雨 Spring Rain 37.4x52cm 2001
offset litho printing mounted to jepara
思念你 Thinking about You 37.4x52cm 1981
offset litho printing mounted to jepara
Zun HooYoon's works are fresh, peaceful and unforgettable. There was only one edition of each work shipped from South Korea to Shanghai for the exhibition, and most of the works are sold during the exhibition at affordable prices. Among the most popular works, such as The Wind and the Tree, Spring Rain, Thinking about You, etc., had to apply to Korean artist Zun HooYoon again for other editions for more prospective collectors in China.